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I signed a settlement agreement during a period of mental illness. Where do I stand?

Mental health issues are a growing concern across the UK and world. It is estimated that 1 in 6 people in the past week experienced...

Can I bring any claims after I sign a settlement agreement?

This very much depends on the content of your agreement as, with all legal documents, the devil is always in the detail. Launched as a...

Can I mention the settlement offer in a tribunal?

Can I mention the settlement agreement in an employment tribunal if I turn the offer down? Catherine Wilson, Partner at Thomas Eggar LLP solicitors answers: Employment...

Can you waive privilege arising from protected conversations?

The Employment Appeal Tribunal has heard its first case concerning the law on protected conversations.Protected conversations have been around since July 2013 following the...

Settlement Agreements and Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary Procedures and Settlement Agreements Q: I was asked to attend a disciplinary hearing without any notice or chance to bring a companion. At the...

Do I need to a solicitor to sign-off my settlement agreement?

Yes, it is a legal requirement to take legal advice upon settlement agreements. Settlement agreements (formerly known as compromise agreements) are legally binding contracts which...

Help, my boss is picking on me

My boss is picking on me; he's offered me a settlement agreement to leave, what can I do? A settlement agreement offer made out of...

What if I turn the settlement agreement offer down?

To agree or not to agree? Before answering that question just take a moment to consider what a settlement agreement is.  It’s just that: an...

Can I bring a work colleague to a settlement discussion?

Companions and settlement agreement discussions Emma Newbould Employment Solicitor at Forbes Solicitors answers... Legal right? There is no legal requirement for your employer to allow you to...

Can an employee propose a settlement?

Can an employee start a settlement agreement discussion and if so do you have any guidance on how I should approach things? I feel...

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What if I turn the settlement agreement offer down?

To agree or not to agree? Before answering that question...

A Guide to Pre-Termination Negotiations for Employers

Pre-termination negotiations (PTNs) were introduced on 29 July 2013....

Settlement Agreements and Capability Procedures

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How to Negotiate the Best Settlement Agreement

If you’re happy with your settlement agreement, you can...

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By Joanne O'Connell Settlement Agreement & Pensions: Questions and Answers We...